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Setting up categories

Detailed description of all available settings for catalog pages

Updated over 2 months ago

To set up the catalog page:

  1. In the side menu of the admin panel, go to the section Website → Pages;

  2. Expand Catalog in the sidebar;

  3. Move the cursor over the name of the page you want to view and click the wheel next to it.

Customizing the catalog page — Cartum

After that, a page with all the available settings for the catalog page will open. Let's analyze each of them.

Main properties

Catalog page main properties — Cartum

Parent category — defines where the section is located in the directory structure. For a first-level category, the parent page is the Catalog page.

URL — this field contains page alias. When you create a new page, it is generated automatically by transliteration of the Page Title field, but you can set it yourself if necessary — click the Edit button.

Catalog page URL — Cartum

By default, the full page address has the format http://<store address>/<link>. If you want to change the structure of full links (for example, to preserve the structure of your old site when migrating to Cartum), please contact support providing the necessary information.

Page title — this field should be filled in for all languages available on your site. It is displayed by default wherever the page title is displayed — in navigation, title and h1 tags, etc.

If necessary, you can override the title and h1 tags in the SEO properties block to display the extended page title.

Template — this field defines a set of attributes for products of this category. You can either use standard templates or create your own for different product categories.

  • Important: if a product template has already been set up for a category and product data has been loaded, changing the product template will result in the loss of product attribute values.

Show on storefront — if the checkbox is activated, the category page is displayed in the site navigation. A "disabled" page can still be opened by clicking on a direct link to it.

Include to sitemap — if the checkbox is activated, the category page will be included in the sitemap.

URL override — a link to another page (internal or external). If this field is filled in, the alternative link will be used everywhere in the navigation, and the content of the current page will not be displayed.

For example, you can create a Sale page in the catalog and specify a link to the filter by the corresponding sticker in the URL override field.

URL override — Cartum

Please note that if you specify a relative link to an internal page in the URL override field, it must begin with a slash character.

SEO properties

In this block of settings, you can set individual meta tags for the page, if necessary, to replace the ones generated by the template.

SEO properties of the catalog page — Cartum

Html Title — the value of the <title> tag for the category page. If this value is not specified, its value is generated according to an SEO template.

Meta-keywords — the value of the <meta keywords> tag for the category page. If this value is not specified, its value is generated according to an SEO template.

Meta-description — the value of the <meta description> tag for the category page. If this value is not specified, its value is generated according to an SEO template.

h1 title — the value of the <h1> tag for the category page. If this value is not specified, the tag displays the page title. It can also be generated according to an SEO template.

Meta robots tags for the catalog page — Cartum

noindex — the value for the <meta robots> tag: the activated box prohibits search robots from indexing the page.

nofollow — the value for the <meta robots> tag: the activated box prevents search robots from following links to other pages.

Additional properties

SEO text for catalog page — Cartum

SEO text — text located at the bottom of the page, below the products. It can be set separately for each language version of the site.

Discount in category — sets the discount (in percentage) for all products in the category. Does not apply to products for which an individual discount is set.

Additional properties, attributes, filters — Cartum

Popular category — the checked box displays the category on the main page of the site.

Popular category checkbox — Cartum

Filters — here you can select the attributes by which products are filtered on the category page. You can change the order in which the selected filters are displayed by dragging them by the icon to the left of the checkbox. If no attributes are selected, these settings are inherited from the parent category.

Attributes in catalog card — the attributes of the products to be displayed in the mini-card. If no attributes are selected, these settings are inherited from the parent category.

Attributes in catalog card — Cartum

Attributes on the product page — a list of attributes that are displayed on product pages. If no attributes are selected, these settings are inherited from the parent category. If nothing is selected there either, all the filled-in attributes from the template of this section are displayed.

Attributes with link to filter a list of attributes that are displayed on product pages as links to the corresponding filters. If no attributes are selected, these settings are inherited from the parent category.

Similar attributes — parameters that will be used to automatically select products for the Similar Products block.

Сategory image — a category icon displayed in the Popular categories block on the main page, as well as in the top menu of the site. If there is no image, the photo of the first product in this category will be used instead.

Displaying subcategories — Cartum

Display only subcategories — instead of products, subcategories of this section will be displayed on the page, if they have been created.

Display only subcategories — Cartum

Display subcategory navigation — controls the display of subcategories in the category navigation bar.

Display subcategory navigation — Cartum

List view by default — changes the default category display format from a tile to a list.

Attributes for list view — allows you to select the parameters that are displayed next to the products when displaying a list.

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