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Additional SEO settings

Indexing pagination pages, processing queries with get-parameters, setting up breadcrumbs

Updated over a week ago

We have already completed the basic SEO settings for your Cartum store, taking into account the recommendations of search engines and SEO specialists. You can customize SEO templates, filter indexing, sitemap in XML format, and some other parameters yourself.

In the Marketing SEO Advanced SEO settings or Settings Advanced SEO settings admin panel section, there are some options that can be useful for website promotion.

Additional SEO settings — Cartum

Pagination pages

By default, pagination pages are set according to Google recommendations:

  • Pagination pages are not closed for indexing either in robots.txt or using the robots tag;

  • All pagination pages do not use the canonical tag with a link to the first pagination page;

  • All pagination pages have the canonical tag with a link to the same page;

  • Only the page page=all has a canonical tag with a link to the first page of the pagination.

However, since some SEO companies' recommendations contain alternative opinions on pagination settings, we give our clients the opportunity to change them.

The Rel Canonical to first pagination page checkbox allows you to set the corresponding tag for all pagination pages.

The Noindex for pagination pages checkbox allows you to close all pagination pages except the first one for indexing using the robots tag.

Queries with get-parameters

Queries with get-parameters are HTML links to website pages with additional sorting and search parameters, utm tags (?=filter, ?=sort, ?=utm_source), etc.

If there is SEO text on a website page, it will be hidden when you request it — for example, for a Google Ads campaign, it is assumed that a link with UTM tags leads to a specially prepared landing page that does not require SEO text.

If you want SEO text on the page to be displayed for any parameters in the address bar, check the Show SEO-text if get-param in search query box.


With the checkboxes Show Catalog in breadcrumbs and Show Brand in breadcrumbs on product page, you can independently display or hide links in breadcrumbs:

  • To the Catalog page — on product and category pages;

  • To the filter by Brand parameter — on product pages.

Catalog and Brand in breadcrumbs on the product page —  Cartum

These settings help to improve the user experience on the catalog pages and are an additional positive factor for ranking the site pages in search results.

Please note: for the link to the Brand filter to work correctly, this filter must be enabled on the catalog pages.

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