Filter Indexing

How to enable indexing for website filters and set up meta tags for filtering pages

Updated over a week ago

Indexing is disabled for all filter pages on the website by default.

There are two methods of enabling the necessary filters for indexing:

  • Indexed Filters: enable indexing of filters with the selected characteristics in select categories. You can also define rules for generating h1, title, and description meta tags using SEO templates for such pages.

  • Filter Presets: also enables indexing of filters with the selected characteristics in select categories, and allows creating presets with unique values for URL, H1, title, description, and SEO text for a specific combination of filters.

Indexed Filters

This setting enables indexing of filters in select categories.

How to Set Up:

  1. Go to section MarketingSEO → Filters to index and click Add.

  2. Complete the fields:

    • Name: internal reference required for identification in the control panel.

    • Category: select the target category for filtering

    • Filter 1 and Filter 2: select the properties to trigger filtering. You can only choose from the filters available for the given section. If two filters are selected simultaneously, indexing also applies to their cross-references.

3. Select checkbox Activate and click Save.

Attention: the setting only applies to the page selected previously in the “Section” field. The setting does not apply to child categories — dedicated rules have to be set up for each subcategory as necessary.

Meta Tags on Filter Page

Filter pages with indexing disabled contain meta tag <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">.

Pages with indexing enabled contain meta tag <meta name="robots" content="all">.

To set up rules for generating h1, title, meta-keywords, and meta-description meta tags, use SEO Templates settings.

See also:

Filter Presets

Besides enabling indexing for filters, this setting also allows to define unique values for URL, title, H1, meta-keywords, meta-description and SEO text for a select combination of filters.

How to Set Up:

1. Go to section MarketingSEO → Filter presets and click Add.

2. Complete the fields:

  • Page Title: this information appears in <title> tags unless they are assigned specific values.

  • URL: the page ID used for generating page URL.

  • Category: the selected section the current preset is being created for.

  • Filter parameters (url): a short reference for the filtering page you wish to replace with the preset

For example: for links such as;price=100-289/ you only need to put in "parent=1021;price=100-289”

  • HTML title: a unique value for the <title> tag.

  • Meta Keywords: a unique value for the <meta keywords> tag.

  • Meta Description: a unique value for the <meta description> tag.

  • SEO text: a unique value for the SEO text.

  • H1: a unique value for the < h1> tag.

Once the preset is created and enabled, the filtering page becomes a fully functional landing page with its own unique URL and SEO properties. The link to the page is contained in the filter and sitemap.xml file.

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