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Stickers in the mini-card and on the product page
Stickers in the mini-card and on the product page

Options for displaying stickers (icons, labels). How to use system stickers. How to add and customize new stickers

Updated over a week ago

Stickers (icons, labels) are a handy tool for drawing customers' attention to certain products. Stickers are displayed in the mini-card and on the product page and help to emphasize the product, inform about a discount, and point out product features.

Stickers in the mini-cards — Cartum

Sticker styles

The style determines the overall design and placement of stickers on the product card. There are five styles of stickers in Cartum.

Sticker styles — Cartum

To change the sticker style, go to the Website Design Design editor section of the admin panel, expand the Global styles item, go to the Product cards tab, and select the desired Sticker style from the drop-down menu.

System stickers

By default, there are seven system stickers in your site's admin panel. They cannot be removed, but can be edited or disabled.

  • New (auto) — displayed for a set number of days after the product is added to the store. The display period can be customized.

  • Sale — can be set up in the product properties.

  • New — can be set up in the product properties.

  • Bestseller — can be set up in the product properties.

  • Amount of discount (percentage) — displayed automatically if the product has any discount.

  • Video — displayed automatically if the product has a video in the gallery.

  • Promotion counter (days left) — displayed automatically along with the promotion counter. It is hidden after the counter expires.

All system stickers in a mini-card — Cartum

All system stickers in a mini-card

New (auto) sticker

The New (auto) sticker will be added to all new products on the site by default and will be disabled automatically after a certain period of time in days.

How to activate the New (auto) sticker

  1. In the admin panel, go to Website → Product stickers.

  2. Open the New (auto) sticker and check the Show on storefront box.

  3. Make sure that the Activation way field is set to New product.

  4. If necessary, change the available sticker settings.

  5. Click Save.​

How to activate the New (auto) sticker — Cartum

Display time for the New (auto) sticker

You can set the sticker display period in the Settings → General settings → Products → New field.

The default value is 30 days from the date of adding the product.

Display time for the New (auto) sticker — Cartum

How to add and customize new stickers

In addition to the system stickers, you can add and use your own ones.

How to add a sticker

  1. In the admin panel, go to Website → Product stickers.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Fill the necessary fields and save.

How to add a sticker — Cartum

Basic sticker settings

  • Title — the name of the sticker in the admin panel. It is used for enabling the sticker in the product properties and via import.

  • Show on storefront — enabling/disabling the sticker globally on the entire site.

  • Text — the text on the sticker. You should enter some text even when you upload an image. You can use system variables:

    • {DISCOUNT_PERCENT} — the amount of discount in percentage.

    • {COUNTDOWN_INFO} — how much time is left before the promotion counter expires. The text is in the "... months / days / hours / minutes left" format.

Activation method

This parameter defines the condition under which the sticker is displayed on the product card. Several activation methods are available:

  • New product — automatically, within a specified period after adding the product.

  • In product properties — a checkbox in the product properties that is enabled manually or via import.

  • Discount — automatically if the product has any discount.

  • Video — automatically if the product has a video.

  • Promotion counter — automatically along with the promotion counter.


If a sticker image is uploaded in the settings, it will be displayed instead of the text sticker. Supported formats:

  • PNG — upload images in double size to support Retina screens. For example, to get a 60x40px sticker, upload a 120x80px image.

  • SVG — vector format.

Sticker image — Cartum

Please note: in the mobile version, the image is displayed only on the product page; in the catalog, the text version of the sticker is displayed.


If this field is filled in, a tooltip appears on the sticker.

Tooltip for the sticker — Cartum

How to enable a sticker for a product

There are two ways to enable stickers that have an In product properties activation method.

Manually in the admin panel

Go to the Products section and open the desired product. Go to the Main info section and check the box next to the sticker.

Enabling a sticker manually — Cartum

Using import

  1. In the admin panel, go to Products, click Hide variants, and export products in Excel (extended) format.

  2. In the export table, fill in the Product stickers column using the example:​

    Stickers in the import table — Cartum
  3. If you need to enable several stickers for one product, use the ";" (semicolon) separator.

  4. For convenience, you can leave only two columns in the table — SKU and Product stickers.

  5. Import the table to your website.

Attention: the stickers are enabled for all product variants at once, so use just one variant from the group in the import table for the import to work correctly. That is why you need to hide the variants before importing.

→ Procedure for importing from a file

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