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How to translate attributes

Translating product attribute names and values step by step

Updated over a week ago

Translating attribute names

You can add translations of attribute names using the Interface translation function.


Step 1.

Go to Website → Interface translation.

Step 2.

In the search field of the Key column, enter the name of the attribute which you want to translate. Press Enter.

Step 3.

In the search results, find the required attribute name. In the Value column, enter the translation.

The value is saved automatically.

Translating attribute names manually — Cartum

Please note: some system keys are hidden from users. If you can't find the entry you need to translate, please contact our support team for assistance.

In bulk using import

Step 1.

Go to Website → Interface translation.

Step 2.

Click Export and select the language for which you want to enter the translations. Click Download.

Step 3.

In the file that was downloaded to your computer, make the corresponding changes: fill in the value column with translations. Save the file.

Step 4.

Return to the admin panel, click the Import button.

Step 5.

Select the language for which you have prepared the translation table.

Step 6.

Click Select file and add the table you have prepared. Click Download.

Step 7.

Set the mapping: Key for the first key column and Value for the second value column.

Step 8.

Click Import and wait for the result.

Translating attribute names in bulk using import — Cartum

Please note: some system keys are hidden from users. If you can't find the entry you need to translate, please contact our support team for assistance.

How to translate attribute values

Of the String and Text field types

If an attribute is of the String or Text field type, you can translate its values manually or by importing them.

Manually in the product properties

Step 1.

In the Products section, open the selected product.

Step 2.

Scroll down to the Attributes block.

Step 3.

Next to the corresponding attribute, add translations for all language versions and save the changes.

Translating attribute values of the String and Text field types in the product properties — Cartum

In bulk using import

Step 1.

Generate an export file with the products you want to make changes to.

Step 2.

Make the corresponding changes to the file and save it.

Tip: you only need to leave the SKUs and data that need to be changed in the file. For example, to add a translation of the Country of Origin parameter, you need to import the SKU column (for product identification) and Country of Origin (EN), Country of Origin (RO), Country of Origin (PL) columns. All others can be deleted.

Example file for adding a translation for Country of Origin attribute values — Cartum

Example file for adding a translation for Country of Origin attribute values

Step 3.

In the admin panel, open Products and click Import.

Step 4.

Click Select on disk and select the file you've prepared to import, or simply drag and drop the file into the dialog box.

Step 5.

On the import preview page, the columns will be mapped automatically if the names of the attributes in the file and on the website are the same. Alternatively, you can manually map them.

Translating attribute values using import — Cartum

Step 6.

Click Import.

Step 7.

Select which actions you want to perform with the products. Usually, the actions that are already set by default are suitable.

Step 8.

Click Start import and wait for the result.

Of the Selection from list type

If the attribute is of the Selection from list type, you can enter the value translation manually in the values list or in bulk using import.

Multiselect is an option that allows to set several values for one attribute for a product at once. For example:

Attribute with the Multiselect option — Cartum

Important: If Multiselect option is enabled for an attribute, you can only set the value translation manually in the values list.

How to check if this option is enabled for an attribute:

How to check if the Multiselect option is enabled for an attribute — Cartum

Manually in the attribute values list

Step 1.

In the Products section, open the selected product.

Step 2.

Next to the selected attribute, click the pencil icon.

Step 3.

In the attribute values list that opens, select the value you want to translate. Click the pencil next to it.

Step 4.

Add the translation to the corresponding language version fields. Save the changes.

The translation you set will be applied to all products that use this value.

Translating values manually in the attribute values list — Cartum

In bulk using import

Follow the algorithm described above.

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