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Payment options

How to set up payment options for the checkout page, select payment options for different shipping methods

Updated over a week ago

To set up payment options that will be available to customers when ordering, you need to:

  1. Customize and enable the necessary payment options;

  2. Determine which payment options will be available for different shipping methods.

Enabling a payment option

By default, your site already has a number of standard payment options. You can manage them in the Settings → Payment methods section.

Standard payment options — Cartum

To set up and activate online payment options for a bank cards, you must first activate one of the payment systems for which Cartum has ready-made integrations in your shop.

To enable the payment option:

  1. In the admin panel, go to the section Settings → Payment methods.

  2. Click on the payment option name to edit it.

  3. Select Currency (this is mandatory).

  4. If necessary, change the Title and other settings.

  5. To enable the payment option, check the Active checkbox.

  6. Click Save.

Enabling the payment option — Cartum

You can quickly enable/disable payment options in the payment methods table. To do this, check/uncheck the Active checkbox in the corresponding row.

Setting up a payment option

You can set your own settings for each payment method:

  1. The Title* will be displayed for customers when placing an order.

  2. Type* — the choice of payment system for online payment, for other methods the type Manual payment is used.

  3. Payment instruction is a short text that customers will see at checkout and receive in an email after placing an order.

  4. Prices — a section for setting an extra fee that is added to the order price when choosing this payment option.

  5. Description — information from this field is displayed on the checkout page if the corresponding payment method is selected.

  6. Currency* — the currency in which the shipping cost is determined.

Warning: Parameters marked with an asterisk * are required.

Example of displaying the Description field for a payment method — Cartum

Example of displaying the Description field for a payment method

Additional settings

  1. Logo — you can add an icon to this field to inform the customer that the following payment methods are available on the site. It is displayed in the site footer of in the We accept block.

  2. URL — a link that customer is taken to on clicking the icon in the footer.

  3. Alt for logo — defines the alt meta tag for the icon in the footer.

How to add a new payment option

If you need to add another payment method in addition to the already existing payment options, please do so:

  1. Go to SettingsPayment methods and click Add.

  2. Fill in the Title field and select Manual payment from the list in the Type field.

  3. Select Currency (this is mandatory).

  4. Set the necessary settings for the new payment method.

  5. Check the Active checkbox to activate the payment method.

  6. Click Save.

Choosing payment options available to the buyer

The list of payment options available to the buyer on the checkout page depends on the chosen delivery method. To determine which payment options will be available for each delivery option:

  1. Go to the admin section Settings → Shipping methods and carriers.

  2. Click on the required shipping method to open its settings.

  3. In the Payment section, select the payment methods that will be available to the buyer with the specified shipping method.

  4. Click Save.

Choosing payment options available to the buyer — Cartum

Example of payment options available for delivery by courier

With the settings shown, when choosing courier delivery, the buyer can choose to pay using the PayPal, Stripe, or PayU.

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