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Activating and configuring product feed for Facebook

Updated this week

Facebook Feed — a feed for transferring products to Facebook (Facebook Business Manager) and further setting up dynamic remarketing. The feature is available for Standard and higher plans.

To use a feed, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Activate the feed,

  2. Fill in the required product fields,

  3. Configure settings,

  4. Configure categories,

  5. Generate feed.

Activating the feed

  1. In the site admin area, go to the section Marketing→Marketplaces.

  2. In the Facebook Feed line, check the Active box.

Activating the Facebook Feed — Cartum

Mandatory product properties

After activating the feed, make sure your products contain all the required information. Here's a list of the required settings for Facebook Feed and the corresponding fields in Cartum:

  • idSKU

  • availabilityAvailability

  • condition Product condition

  • descriptionDescription for product feeds (used if filled) or Product description (first 5000 characters)

  • image_link (link to the product photo) — Image or Gallery (i.e. at least one product photo must be uploaded)

  • linkURL to the product

  • title — product Title or Variant title (if filled in)

  • pricePrice

  • gtin, mpn, or brand (you do not need to specify all of these options, but only one of them) — GTIN, Product vendor code (MPN) or Brand

Attention: if at least one of the required fields is not filled in, the product will not be included in the feed.

Uploading products to the feed

In the properties of each product that should be included in the feed, you need to specify Facebook Feed. For manual change in the admin panel:

  1. Go to the Products section and click on the desired product.

  2. In the Product description → Main info section, find the Export to product feeds option.

  3. Check the Facebook Feed box to enable the product in the feed.

Including products in the feed — Cartum

To exclude a product from the feed, just uncheck the corresponding box.

For mass configuration, use import. The import file must contain the column Export to product feeds with the name of the feed Facebook Feed.

If the product needs to be uploaded to several feeds, when importing, you must specify all the feed names through the separator (;).

Including products in several feeds using import — Cartum

Attention: For the product to be included in the feed, enable the product category in the feed settings. If the category is inactive or not set up, the product will not be unloaded.

Setting parameters: product condition, availability status

The next step is to match the product status and status options in your store with the values of the marketplace.

  1. Click the Categories settings button.

  2. On the marketplace page, click Attributes settings.

  3. In the window that opens, match the values of your store with the values of the marketplace.

Setting feed parameters: product condition, availability status — Cartum

Product condition

In the condition settings, you need to specify only the statuses corresponding to used and refurbished products. For new items, you can leave the fields blank.

Setting up categories

Allows you to specify product categories for uploading to the feed, as well as configure the google_product_category attribute for products.

  1. Click the Categories settings button.

  2. Click Synchronize categories to download the current categories.

  3. Check the boxes for the categories you want to upload and choose the most relevant marketplace categories (passed in the google_product_category attribute).

Setting up product categories — Cartum

Generating the feed

The last step to get a link to the feed file:

  1. Click Generate feed.

  2. After successful generation, the feed is available by clicking on the XML button.

  3. The link to the XML file can now be used in Facebook Business Manager.

The file is automatically updated every night to keep product information up-to-date. To force an update at any time, click Generate feed again.

Generating the feed — Cartum

The first generation of a feed creates a unique link of the form, where alias is a random sequence of 32 digits and Latin letters.

Managers with the owner role can change the unique link or add a unique extension to the link. To do this:

  1. In the admin area, go to Marketing → Marketplaces and click on the feed.

  2. In the URL field, enter the alias for the link or click Generate to generate the alias automatically.

  3. Click Save.

Attention: after changing the feed link, the old link will not work.

Changing the feed link — Cartum

Feeds in different languages

After creating a feed, separate xml files will be available for each language version that is enabled on the site. A separate link is created for each language feed.

Feeds in different languages — Cartum

Attention: If any of the language versions for a product does not contain mandatory fields that need to be translated, such a product will not be included in the feed.

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