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How to create and customize product templates
How to create and customize product templates

How to create a template and add product attributes

Updated over a month ago

Let’s take a look at how you can create a new product template and add new attributes. To learn more about attributes (what they are, what they are for and how they work), read the below article.

Template list

The list of all the product templates available in the store is displayed in the Products → Product templates section. Out of the box, a new website has several basic product templates.

Product template examples — Cartum

Creating a new template

To create a new template, click Add and specify a template title. The title is used for template identification in the control panel.

The product comparison page is the only place where the template name will be visible to your customers.

Creating a new template — Cartum

Once the name is set, a window with template parameters will open.

Adding a new attribute

To add a new attribute, click Add option/attribute. A window with the new attribute properties will open for you to specify its title and type.

Adding a new attribute — Cartum

Attribute Title is the name displayed in the control panel and visible to the users.

Attribute types

There are six types of attributes. Depending on the selected type, you may also need to set the advanced parameters.

  1. Selection from list is the most common type. It is used if the attribute has several standard values. The user has to select one or several of them for each product.

  2. Yes/No allows to select either option (yes/no). For example, “Wi-Fi: Yes”.

  3. String is an arbitrary text value.

  4. Text field is the same as String except it allows more characters.

  5. Number is a numeric value. You can define the number of decimal places in the advanced parameters.

  6. HTML field allows to create an additional arbitrary formatted block on the product page. This type may be used to attract user's attention to specific product features.

Selection from list

To use this type, first create a reference table to contain all the possible attributes.


This option enables choosing several values for each attribute from a selected attributes values list for each product.

Types of attributes for filters

Only tree types of attributes are available for filters — Selection from list, Yes/No and Number.

Variants Group

All the options which determine variants should be arranged into a dedicated group to be assigned the Variants type.

Editing an attribute

All the parameters that you create are editable. Please be advised that changes to the attribute type (as well as enabling the Multiselect option) also changes the attribute value type. As a result, the values of the attribute changed are reset to zero.

Here is how you can keep the attribute values intact while changing the attribute type:

  • Export product attributes to an .xls file;

  • Change the attribute type;

  • Import the values from the .xls file you created earlier.

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