For each product on the website, you can set the minimum number of units to order, as well as the step of adding a product to the cart. The function is useful primarily for those who sell products in packages and need to display the price per unit on the product page.
Note: this option is available starting from the Standard plan.
How to turn this option on
You can enable/disable this option in the Settings → General settings → Products section.
Settings for products
The values of these parameters are set in the product properties, in the Minimal quantity to order and Quantity step fields.
With the specified settings, the minimum possible order of an item is 6 units, and each time you add an item to the cart, 3 units will be added.
Warning: the quantity step takes precedence over the value of the minimum order. For example, if a product is configured with a quantity step of 4 units, and the minimum order is 10 units, then 12 units will be added to the cart when the customer first clicks Buy now.
Import of minimum order and quantity step values
You can add or change these parameters in bulk using import. The import table must contain the SKU column and columns with the values of the minimum orders and quantity steps.
Display of minimum order and quantity step on the website
With any values in the minimum order and quantity step settings, the price per unit will be displayed on the product page.
For correct display, quantity counters must be enabled on the product page and in the mini-card:
The counter on the product page is configured in the Website → Design → Design editor section of the admin panel, Product page → Page layout → Buy buttons item, Product quantity counter checkbox;
The counter in the mini-card is configured in the Website → Design → Design editor section, Product card on category page → Add to cart button and other elements item, Product quantity counter checkbox.