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Customer card

How to set up a personalized discount for a registered customer

Updated this week

A customer card is an option that allows you to set up a personalized discount for a registered customer of your website.

If the customer is logged in to the site, the price on the product page will be displayed with their personal customer card discount.

The order value including the discount will be displayed in the shopping cart and on the checkout page.

Personal discount — Cartum

How the customer card works

  • The customer card discount is taken into account if the customer is already registered on your website and is authorized in his personal account when placing an order.

  • The customer card discount does not apply to promotional items.

Personal discount at checkout — Cartum

How to create a customer card

  1. In the admin panel, go to Discounts → Customer card and click +Add.

  2. In the Customer field, enter the customer's name or email address that was specified during registration. Select the required user from the list of search results.

  3. In the Discount field, specify the discount value for the customer's card as a percentage.

  4. In the Valid till field, specify the card validity period.

  5. In the Status field, select Confirmed to make the card active.

  6. In the Code field, you can specify the code of the client's physical card.

  7. Check the Active box and save the card settings.

Customer card settings — Cartum

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