Showcase is one of the homepage blocks. It consists of three blocks with products that will help to draw additional attention to certain products in the store.
The showcase consists of three elements:
Bestsellers — products with the Bestseller sticker;
Sale — products with the Sale sticker, products with a discount and old/new price;
New arrivals — products with the New and New (auto) stickers.
By default, the Showcase block is enabled but not displayed because there are no matching products. Set up the stickers for the products to activate the showcase.
Displaying blocks as tabs
Showcase appearance
The showcase settings are located in the Website → Design → Design editor admin panel section, Homepage → Product slider item. The editor allows you to:
Move the blocks relative to other blocks on the main page;
Disable individual elements of the showcase;
Customize the color scheme (background, stroke);
Change the display of elements: in tabs or separately.
Displaying blocks separately from each other
At your request our service team can rename any of the showcase blocks.