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360-degree view

How to add product photos to get a 360-degree view on the product page

Updated over 2 months ago

360-degree view is a 3D photo of a product on its page. Technically, such an image is a series of images, each shot from a different angle. Cartum will combine the images you upload into a 360-degree view.

An example of the 360-degee view — Cartum

Uploading photos for the 360-degree view

Prepare photos of the product from different angles. The minimum number of images required to create a proper view is 8.

When editing a product

Photos can be added manually when editing a product in the admin panel.

Manually adding photos for 360-degree view — Cartum

Bulk importing

You can also add photos via bulk import using Products → Image import.

In this case, the photo files should be named as follows:

SKU@[email protected], SKU@[email protected], ... SKU@[email protected], where SKU is the SKU of the product, and 1...N is the serial number of the photo in the 360-degree view.

Display on the website

The 360-degree view is displayed for all product variants.

On the desktop version, 360-degree view will be displayed in the first place in the photo gallery on the product page.

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