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Store notifications

Notifications on customer actions on the website

Updated this week

The mobile version of the site provides notifications on customer actions.

Store notifications — Cartum

  • Added to cart — appears when a product is added to the cart (if the Open cart while adding item feature is disabled). Tapping on the notification will direct the customer to the Shopping cart.

  • Added to wishlist — appears when customer adds a product to Wish list while being logged in to the website. Tapping on the notification will direct the customer to the Wish list.

  • Removed from wishlist — appears after the product is removed from the Wish list.

  • Added to comparison list — appears after tapping the Compare icon. Tapping on the notification will direct the customer to the Compare items.

  • Removed from comparison list — appears after the product is removed from the Compare items.

  • No more items in stock — appears when customer taps on the counter to change the quantity of a product in the cart if its quantity is limited by the stock balance.

  • Link copied — appears when customer copies a link to the price list (available on the B2B plan).

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