Footer is the bottom through part of the website that is present on all its pages. You can customize the visual display of this part in Website → Design → Design editor → Footer.
Footer style
Settings for the visual style of the footer:
Footer background — sets the overall background color of the footer.
Top line color — sets the color of the line that separates the footer from the page.
Elements color — sets the color of elements, such as Copyright, etc.
Headings color — sets the color of block headers, for example, Catalog, For customers, etc.
Links color — sets the color of links in the footer, for example, menu items, links to store social networks, etc.
Footer layout
The footer consists of six equal sections in which elements are arranged. In this tab, you can change the arrangement of elements by moving them between sections, enabling and disabling the display of elements as needed.
All available footer elements
Payment systems logos
Mobile version
Developer info
Catalog categories
Information menu
Social media
Contact information